Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems.
SITH® Ho’oponopono Australia coordinates Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) workshops and events in Australia. Our workshops here are sponsored by IZI LLC, the SITH® organisation in Hawaii, USA.
We did our first SITH® class in 2008 in Hawaii with Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and continue to be amazed by the simplicity yet the profoundness of this beautiful process which we now use every day.
We are grateful and honoured to support the introduction and now the annual IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono workshops in Australia. We will continue with this privilege as inspired by Divinity.
Our Instructors
SITH® Instructor for Australia

In 2008 Debbie almost missed the flight to her first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class with Ihaleakala Hew Len PhD in Hawaii. Keenly, she followed up with classes in Japan and Italy with Dr Hew Len. In 2009 Debbie began coordinating SITH® Basic I classes in Australia initially taught by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler. She then returned to complete SITH® Basic II in 2012 in Hawaii with Ihaleakala Hew Len PhD and Mary Koehler. After 30 plus years in a caring/helping profession, she is forever grateful to Morrnah Simeona for the gift of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® in which Self, not others, is the priority…what a huge relief! Debbie has coordinated and taught SITH® classes ONLINE in Brisbane and Gold Coast, Australia and had the privilege of teaching classes in Hawaii, USA, Dublin, Ireland and Lisbon, Portugal. She has coordinated and taught classes IN PERSON in Perth, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Geelong, Sydney, Melbourne and Gold Coast, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand; and coordinated the first SITH® Basic II class in Brisbane, Australia. Debbie finds the daily practice of SITH® brings peace and balance to everyday life, especially in the roles of grandmother, mother and community nurse. Aloha and Thank You!

was previously a Registered Nurse for many years now retired. She has been practicing Hooponopono since 2008 . The first class she attended was in West Hawaii where Ihaleakala Hew Len, PH.D. was the presenter. She also participated in the Basic II in 2012 again presented by Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D and Mary Koehler, Master Coordinator for IZI LLC sponsored Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes. Barbara has been instructing since 2009 and to date has taught classes ONLINE in Brisbane, Queensland Australia, and Dublin, Ireland and classes IN PERSON in Perth Western Australia, Brisbane Queensland, Melbourne Victoria, Gold Coast Queensland, Sydney NSW and Auckland New Zealand. She recognizes SITH® has made a huge difference not only to herself but also to her 3 children, 3 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Cleaning moment to moment brings a sense of joy and contentment to her life and she remains eternally grateful for being allowed to practice this sacred process.
Required Reading (for workshop attendance)
- “Who’s In Charge?”
by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len